
MakeFixHack Survey

Tell us what you think!

What would a local makerspace/hackerspace/community workshop mean to you?

What would you like to be able to do?

What can we help you create?

Help us answer these questions and more by taking our short survey here:

----> MakeFixHack Survey <----

A poster style collage of various photos on a simulated cardboard background. Clockwise from upper left: A modified steering wheel game controller playing SuperTuxCart on a laptop, A TRS80 model 100 opened with boards exposed, a partially completed yarn bowl on a 3d printer, a vintage sewing machine with its top removed, and the knee of a pair of jeans with a hand stitched repair in progress, and a vintage calculator circuit board with flowing gold traces on black, with one kludge wire cutting across the middle. The following text is overlayed off center at an angle:  MakeFixHack  Easthampton

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